In a post-election episode of The Parent Advocate, hosts and fellow parents of gender-diverse kids, Stephen Chukumba, Lizette Trujillo, and I talked about supporting the wellbeing and development of all of our kids, as well as other parents across the country in the face of such division and explicit transphobia.
On an episode of Focus Forward: An Executive Function Podcast, host Hannah Choi and I talked about managing major life transitions from an emotionally-supported framework. We demystified meditation with an exercise that anybody can do to be more mindful. And, we outlined ways parents and adults alike can support themselves and their loved ones through times of change.
Counting Down from 5 is a grounding strategy that anybody can use when feeling overwhelmed emotionally.
The 3 buckets are a decision-making device parents can use to determine how best to respond to their child's behavior.
Good Inside podcast by Dr. Becky Kennedy offers practical, attachment-based, and mindful tools for every imaginable parenting challenge. Dr. Becky is a clinical psychologist, mom and founder of Good Inside.